the gratitude system - faqs

what is a gratitude system?

The gratitude system is a method of exchange where the client (you) determines how much they want to pay for my services and offerings. It is a system based in generosity, abundance and trust.

I offer this on my group classes and I offer a sliding scale for 1:1 mentoring.

does this mean i can pay what ever i want?

Yes! For selected offerings, the fee you pay is self determined or on a sliding scale. You choose what amount feels right for you. It might be the same amount as others charge for the same service, it might be less, more or nothing at all.

I trust your judgement and generosity, and that you will choose the amount that is right for you.

what should i consider when choosing how much to pay?

You might consider the following:

  • The value you anticipate to receive from the program, class or treatment

  • How it will impact your wellbeing and life satisfaction

  • The cost of similar offerings and services

  • What would establish a sense of commitment for you to be fully engaged

  • What feels good, clear, and right from both your heart and mind

  • Your desire to support my work and the creation of future courses

  • Respect for your financial means and personal situation


what’s the catch?

There isn’t one. But it is interesting to witness how the world we live in has made us skeptical of such models.