12 benefits of being embodied
Living in such a head heavy world, it is no wonder many of us struggle to drop into our body. For so long cognitive and rational thinking has been put on a pedestal. As a result, we have lost our ability to tune into our powerful felt sense. Which, when combined with the rational mind, will make you a force to be reckoned with!
Below are just some of the many reasons why you should be carving out time each day to come home to your body:
Experiencing the wholeness of life
To gather feedback on the life you are living and the choices you are making
Starting to become more aware and attuned to the subtle sensations of our body - which means increased sensory clarity
Greater self-awareness and insight
A deeper connection to others
Detecting things that we weren’t originally aware of (both within and outside our body)
Gaining a deeper sense of clarity and feeling more able to make clearer distinctions
Better navigation and decision making - what feels good now might not serve us in the long term i.e. burn out or adrenal fatigue
A more informed pleasure and pain calculation
A greater ability to respond better and more aligned with your truth in the moment
Increased bodily wisdom - you will be able to know what is true for you based on what your body is saying
Better boundary creation!